"Life is too short to go without abbreviations and aliases in Bash."
Listing files and Directories
ls ls --color=auto
grep grep --color=auto
fgrep fgrep --color=auto
egrep egrep --color=auto
ll ls -alF
la ls -A
l ls -CF
zenity zenity 2>/dev/null
Screen management
c clear
Syntax highlighting for cat (requires ccat binary)
cat ccat --bg=dark $*
ccat ccat --bg=dark $*
Use python 3 in bash
python python3
pip python3.8 -m pip
pip3 python3.8 -m pip
tmux tmux -2
Use Neovim instead of Vim
vim nvim
Vim keys to exit the shell
:q exit
Use x-terminal-emulator instead of xterm
xterm x-terminal-emulator
uxterm x-terminal-emulator
lxterm x-terminal-emulator
Start usbreset-helper, fuzzy device selection
usbreset usbreset-helper
Start a Surfraw web search in W3M terminal browser, fuzzy elvi selection
sr sr -browser=
Start a Surfraw web search in the GUI browser, fuzzy elvi selection
surfraw surfraw -browser=
Shortcuts for Wireguard VPN
Start the VPN (select the config file)...
wgup basename -s .conf $(ls /etc/wireguard) | fzf --preview-window=hidden | xargs -ro -d "
" wg-quick up $*
Stop the VPN (select the detected interface)...
wgdn sudo wg | grep interface | cut -f2 -d " " | fzf --preview-window=hidden | xargs -ro -d "
" wg-quick down $*
Copy VPN configs from present directory to /etc/wireguard
wgxfr fd -d 2 -t file -e conf . | fzf -m --preview-window=hidden --layout=reverse | \
xargs -I{} sudo cp -f "{}" /etc/wireguard/; sudo chmod 640 /etc/wireguard/*.conf"
fzf Fuzzy Search previews text with ccat
fzf fzf --preview="ccat {}"
Ripgrep (with rgpipe) text search in local files
rgg rg -i -z --max-columns-preview --max-columns 500 --hidden --no-ignore --pre-glob \
'*.{pdf,xl[tas][bxm],xl[wsrta],do[ct],do[ct][xm],p[po]t[xm],p[op]t,html,htm,xhtm,xhtml,epub,chm,od[stp]}' \
--pre rgpipe
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